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The Power of Three

The Power of Three

How many times have you heard: “You didn’t tell me that!” while you know for a fact that you did communicate what they don’t remember you saying? It can be just a minor annoyance, but sometimes, a communication gap can have serious business...

Don’t Let Profit Walk Out Your Door

Every time someone walks through the door of your business (or interacts with you or your team members), you have the opportunity to convert them into a loyal customer, or even a raving fan. (My definition of a loyal customer: someone who chooses your company over and...

Increasing Customer Communication

A Profit Generator Community Training Your customers are always talking to you. Most businesses focus on the words and miss the important message being communicated If you are listening your customers will always tell you what is important to them and what they want...

Are You in Control of the Conversation?

When someone asks you what your product or service costs – how do you answer? Do you respond with the price and are left trying to justify it? Or do you use the “what does it cost” question to position the value you has to offer? Same question but...

How NOT to Deal with a Business Upset

As anyone who flies on a regular basis will tell you, sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and wait it out. Recently I had an experience flying home from Hawaii that was the worst I have experienced in 15 years of regular business travel. Now Hawaii is a...

The Essential Ingredient in Effective Communication

What do you think about when you hear the word communication? Talking? Writing? Telephone?  Email? Texting? Radio or TV? What most people think of as communication, I would consider modes of communication – in other words the method of delivering the message. And with...