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The Happiness Advantage

There has been phenomenal scientific research about something called Positive Psychology. Basically we have gotten it all wrong! We think that if we get everything working perfectly then we will be happy. When scientifically over and over again what has been showing...

The Secret to High Productivity and Results

Even if you are unbelievably talented and self-motivated, there is a limit to what you can accomplish on your own. If you were the one who started your business, then it took you being good at just about everything! You were the chief salesperson, manager,...

How NOT to Deal with a Business Upset

As anyone who flies on a regular basis will tell you, sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and wait it out. Recently I had an experience flying home from Hawaii that was the worst I have experienced in 15 years of regular business travel. Now Hawaii is a...

The Essential Ingredient in Effective Communication

What do you think about when you hear the word communication? Talking? Writing? Telephone?  Email? Texting? Radio or TV? What most people think of as communication, I would consider modes of communication – in other words the method of delivering the message. And with...

Who Creates Your Company Culture?

Every company has it’s own culture – an agreed upon set of working values, habits and environment. My favorite definition is your company culture is what happens when you, as the owner, are out of the office. Do you have an engaged, productive and dynamic...

In Business, Less is Often More

Have you ever walked into a store looking for a particular product, and even though you are looking right at the shelf you can’t see what you’re looking for? Or you see what you’re looking for but there are so many options you don’t know where to start? Now an...